Hald Internasjonale Senter

Hald Internasjonale Senter


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Ruth skriver i bloggen sin

Treasures in friends...

As I look back to the beggining as an amatuer in the capital...
learning to get my way around, getting to know people, learning the language, coping with the culture, adjusting to the weather and seasons, from warm, cold and darkness to spring time when there is sunlight and the sunset is late. The skiing and walk in the woods.

Through this and more, it was great to have friends who were with me, with whom we could share love and life.Indeed life is more about sharing our lives together thatn it is about having things. After time has past and we look back the path we have been through, the expereinces we had, the joys and the sorrows, i am certain of this... the greatest of treasures is the people we could share our life with.

Goodbyes....not my best part in life but when we have to say it, then we celebrate the time we had together and that we have known each other. Even more that we can continue to be a blessing to each other thought we are oceans apart.
Am frateful to God for this opportunity and the people I met.

Matheus skriver i bloggen sin

Liverpool - Relevant week!

Several feelings have appeared these days during this week. I was in Liverpool helping the CU (Christian Union) with the RELEVANT WEEK!, and I still do not know how to describe it. I cannot put the whole thing into words, but I could say that God did use the Christians students to talk and spread out the Good News in the Liverpool University.

That lasted for 5 days (1st to 5th of March). Me, Marius, velge and Bjorni were there from Norway to help. I had to tell them all the time that I was from Brazil and was only working in Norway for a year and so on.
We were staying with students at Uni halls. We woke up at 7 and every hall had its own prayer meeting from 7.30 to 8.30, then we headed to the university where we had breakfast. At 10am we had a meeting with some students and guests til 11am, with a devotion and prayer for the day where we encouraged each other to keep on with the good work and shared what had happened the day before. At 11am we met more students and we prayed for the questionares and flyers. From 11 to 1pm we had the action groups in action, which was basically inviting people to come to our Lunch bars with specific topics or asking them questions about the questionare, it all ended purposely to talk about Jesus and The Good News. The lunch bars were from 1pm to 1.40pm and afterwards there were always some people talking and having their questions answered. Then we had all the afternoons free, and we got to know a little bit of Liverpool - pretty cool. At 7 we had different kinds of meeting at university, with cake, tea, sweets, music and then Michael Ots would come and talk a bit about the Gospel and explain a parable of Jesus. We normally had very good conversations after that with non-Christians and Christians.

I just felt so different to be in this kind of environment where prayer is taken seriously and spending time praying is fundamental. While in Norway, I know that they do understand the importance of it and so on, but they just don't feel like coming to a prayer meeting or praying before doing something. I guess the formality that was put into prayer in Norway made it some sort of an unrelational thing. Maybe this is because I come from a catholic country. Well, this is my point of view, I certainly think that this is not yours (especially if you are Norwegian). Feel free to comment!

If possible, can you guys pray for some of these names, they are all students in Liverpool and are open to receive Christ as their saviour. I hope I receive some good news on the next weeks!

Abhijit Mathad
There are others, but can't remember now.

Also pray for the committe who organised the week, they did an amazing job :)

Ragnhild skriver i bloggen sin

Oha hela natta!

Jeg er ikke noe nattemenneske. Jeg kan godt være våken lenge, men om natta liker jeg helst å sove. Da jeg var yngre døgna jeg gjerne sammen med venner på leirer og lignende, men ikke nå lengre.. Jeg har for lengst tatt hinte om at om natta er jeg ikke særlig til selskap, og det er greit, at jeg blir litt gretten om natta for da skal man jo sove.
Men når en har en jobb som STEM arbeider- må man av og til døgne litt. Det gjorde jeg natt til lørdag. 
Jeg skal ærlig innrømme at jeg ikke hadde særlig lyst til å gå, men jobb er jobb. Nå lurer du kanskje på hvilken  jobb jeg har som må jobbe om natta- nei det er ikke nattevakt- det kan jeg aldri ha som jobb.
En STEM arbeider er en slags miljøarbeider, og natt til lørdag hadde studentene ved et universitet i Mombasa bestemt seg for å ha en lovsangsNATT.
Jeg ble henta av noen to studenter på bussstoppet- ikke særlig herlig for jenter å gå ute alene så sent. De var utrolig glade for at JEG, Mzunguen hadde kommet og skulle være med, det var litt koselig..
Heldigvis fikk jeg sitte bak i lokalet, litt slitsomt av og til å sitt fremst på utstilling hele tida. Musikken var så høy at det skurra i høytalerne og det var vanskelig å høre hva de sang. Folk sang av full hals og hoppa og dansa. Helt bakerst så det ut som om noen drev på med aerobick. Jeg tuller ikke! De som har vært på aerobick-mest jenter anntar jeg, kan lett forestille seg dette. Armer og ben høyt opp og svetta rant!

Ca klokka 03.00 ble det servert kaffe. Kaffen var så søt og det smakte mer som te enn kaffe, men kaffe var det visst. Jeg gikk ut med kamera mitt før kaffen ble servert, og gjett hva jeg fant..?!
Studenter sovende i gangene, midt ute på plassen på bakken, i trapper og i stoler. Jeg hadde aldri trodd jeg skulle se det i Kenya, vet ikke hvorfor, men kanskje fordi mitt bilde av kenyanske studenter er at de er så "Devotet to God "at å sove når man skal lovsyng går ikke. Godt å se at de er mennesker de også, og at vi ikke er så forskjellige likevell.

Lovsangsnatta gikk mot slutten, og det var en fin opplevelse, og jeg klarte å holde humøret oppe hele natta! Finfin natt!

Det ble ferre og ferre utover natta

Pause mellom slagene

 Kaffe i bøtter og spann-bokstavelig talt

Trett student

Mesh skriver i bloggen sin, på norsk!

Masse sno... Bergen opplevelser

Det er ikke vanlig å ha masse sno i Bergen. Da er det en overaskelse for alle sammen, Jeg tror.

I går, reiste vi fra Fantoft etter Bibelen studer og besøkte vennen fra Kenya. Veien ble nesten torket og jeg var glad... Jeg tenkte at 'Det er nesten vår!' Dessuten det er nesten Mars!

Nå er jeg hjemme. Jeg sitter og se utenfor! Det snødde masse og fortsetter å snø! Jeg har mange nye ideer. For eksempel, kan vi går til Floyen for å åkiing eller prøve å ski...

Vi må gjøre noen ting og har gøy med snø fordi kan vi gjøre ingenting å ta det borte! Vi må opplevelse 'UNIQUE' vinter i Bergen!

I dag må jeg også går til Kirken. Jeg vil går i stede av tar bussen for å erfare sno faller på ansiktet mitt. Jeg gleder meg!

Dennis skriver i bloggen sin

The New year so far!!

The year so far is good and promising the best, am still stick to my resolutions and focused, the student ministry is exciting and I enjoy every day that passes as if if it was my last day on plannet. I desire to grow in the Knowldge of his word every day and I feel empty of Him every day. I long to see my 'bucket' full of Him. Stavanger is now like my home town Ibanda, I have friends who are concerned with what is going on in my life and this has kept me Focused even when it has been Cold I have found warmth in them andencouragement in the Lord.
Working among the students I now feel is the best that one can offer to the nation.
One student transformed is a nation transformed. This is my passion that keeps me going even when the odds show up,I rejoice and glory in the hope that one student will be transformed.. I am now in the school of Leviticus, and happy about what am learning there,the school has helped me understand why christ came, poor Aaron and his Sons they paid a big price for the nation of Israel.
Every time I feel slackness in doing Gods work I will always think of Aaron and his sons who offered sacrifices in Gods presence Morning evening everyday yet without getting tired. Am still pressing on to this year like Paul,pressing on to the Goal.

Malene skriver i bloggen sin

Bryt "grensene"

Etter en fantastisk kveld med alle lederne fra Makerere university med en brennheit pep-talk fra selveste General sekretaer Damon sitter jeg foran en macbook pro med en diger starbuckskopp med kaffe. Det er ikke mange ukene igjen og jeg merker hvor glad jeg er blitt i alle her, de forskjellige miljoeene jeg har vaert med i. Studentene, menigheten, boda-mennene, focus-staff.

I gaar kveld hadde jeg en lang snakk med Heidi om alt fra obsessive-stalkers til kristenlivet til kultur. Ettersom klokka var 1.00 Am er det ikke saa mye jeg kan sitere, men en ting husker jeg.
Naar vi kommer fra en annen kultur ser vi ikke alle de skillene blandt menneskene som andre ser og vi har et like stort hjerte for alle. Naar jeg kommer til Norge vet jeg at dette ikke er tilfellet, vi er oppvokst med grupper, taxi sjofoerer, studenter, tiggere, kristne, ikke-kristne, osv. Selv om vi liker aa si at vi bryr oss like my om alle, tror jeg hvertfall jeg kan si for min del at det ikke er tilfellet. Ikke at jeg ikke liker andre, det er bare at det ikke er naturlig. Hvor konge hadde det vaert om slike "grenser" ikke var?

Uganda er virkelig blitt Afrikas Perle for meg naa! Jeg kommer alltid til aa ha en skatt dypt inni hjertet av Afrika!

Ruth skriver i bloggen sin

salt shaker conference......snakk om tro

This weekend I was in kristiansand(a city in the south of norway)for a conference by Rebecca pippert. Snakk om tro...meaning talk about faith.
I learned alot from the model of evangelism that she and other believers have practised before, especially that they took time to pray for God's guidance to share His love and word to others. But also that they stepped out in Faith as God was guiding them. These stories showed people who have believed in God's power and the power in His word.....and also that they are so ready to share the love of God as people come together to learn about Jesus.

Its now time for me to practice what I learnt.

Go ye into all the world, and make disciples...

Erica skriver i bloggen sin

As in Narnia ...

A few days back here I started to get very melancholy with the approach of day to go.  It's just that now I'm starting to feel good here, really.  Not that before I was not happy, not enjoying the trip. But now it's like I'm more "adjusted". I feel I have real friends who know me well despite the short time we spent together, I feel closer to the girls who live with me, I learned to enjoy the winter and really began to understand and speak a little Norwegian. As I said Ariane "When you start to feel set will be time to leave." She could not be more right.. Not that I do not want to leave or that I do not feel homesick and the people at home. But do I wish I could do both at the same time.  I love living in a tropical country, but it is the indescribable beauty of the snow falling outside the window ...
Just as children could only get to Narnia is Aslan called I just got here because he called me. Just as they did not choose the time to go and could not go back whenever I wanted to go back and visit my friends whenever wants, much less to take back the life I have here now.  And even that one day I come back, as well as in Narnia, things will probably be quite different. Eu nunca mais vou morar no mesmo lugar, os meus amigos talvez não estejam mais aqui e eu não vou ser mais uma estudante do Hald. I will never live in the same place, my friends might not be here anymore and I will not be another student Hald. As in Narnia, when I go home will be as if time was not there last because I will continue the course exactly where I left off, people will continue doing the same things they did before and everyone's life continued more or less the same as I lived experiences that never dreamed I would live. E assim como Nárnia não há caminho de volta. And as Narnia is no going back.
. I really wanted that Norway was not so far from Brazil so that I could come back here one time or another in a long weekend. But we must accept God's timing and His purposes for my life.
 What comforts me is knowing the truth that my life on this earth is like a book cover and the first chapter of my life shall not start even in eternity.  Eternity And I do hope to re-find the friends I made here. . There will be no problems of language, nor time, nor longing, or of culture shock. There will be all united in Him, enjoying Him in His glory.
 I know my house is no longer home, but I know that I will soon enjoy a true home in the arms of the Father and that is all that drives me to get up every day of my bed and live another day of my short stay in world.

Last updates from Interact 2016-2017